King Kong

WALT: Empathise “put yourself in their shoes”

We were pretending to be the kid

WALT: Show not tell using our 5 senses “paint a picture in the readers head”

I see a gorilla by me, the gorilla was nice to me. I can hear the wind outside. The gorilla is watching  me sleep. I feel so comfortable. I Named him  king kong.

 “I hope he stays forever”

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Mothers Day cards

My Special Mum

My mum is really good at writing.
My mum makes the best butter chicken.
My mum is as smart as a teacher.
My mum is as pretty as diamonds.
My mum makes me laugh when she does something funny.
I love my mum because she takes me on trips like when we went to the Skytower. That was fun.

Love Cahdreyus

Ko Wai Au

My name is Cahdreyus.

I am 10 years old.

My class is Te Awa i go to Oturu School

I like toys and i like netflix i like rabbits.

I have 2 sisters we live with my mummy and daddy and my dog an cat.

My dogs name is Snoop.  My cats name is Lahlah.

i live on Lake road in Kaitaia.
